Definition: chan·nel·er ˈcha-nə-lər. Synonyms of channeler. : a person who conveys thoughts or energy from a source believed to be outside the person's body or conscious mind. specifically : one who speaks for nonphysical beings or spirits.
Join Mama Rubys in hosting some of the best Channels available today, who will offer channeled wisdom from trusted entities, gifting you information to benefit you along life's path. This event, in partnership with the Light It Up! Meta Fest, will offer 5 channels, using 5 different techniques, to offer you needed information.
Tickets for this event are sold separately ($35), and can be purchased at the festival as well, but space is very limited. Each Channel will offer 20-30 minutes of service, with half hours between each set. One ticket gets you into all sessions, as well as free entry into the Light It Up! Meta Fest, so visit all our vendors between channeled sessions. Make it an all day event at the Light It Up! Meta Festival!